About Zomer Dairy
Very nice dairy located north of Laird. 107 free stalls total, plus large maternity pen, in 2 barns with drive through feed alleys. Double 9 parlor with automatic takeoffs, 50 head crowding pen and 12,000 litre bulk tank. 36x72 new calf barn, 200x28 open face dry cow shed with concrete feed pad, 32x48 heated shop. 4 silage pits, 2 with concrete floors. All dairy buildings have been constructed since 2005 and are in very good condition. Listing includes approximately 125 head of dairy cows and 40 head of young stock. Comes with 117 kgs of milk quota. House is a 1072 sq ft bungalow with attached heated garage that overlooks a ravine and creek running into the North Saskatchewan River. Second yard has an older bungalow for hired man. 320 acres of Class D and E soil, in a block, with 215 acres cultivated. $7,950,000 MLS