Massey Place Saskatoon

Over 3,000 residents live in the community of Massey Place, a neighbourhood located on the west side of Saskatoon. Massey Place has 67% homeownership and the majority of homes are single family dwellings. The neighbourhood is considered a low to middle income community with the majority of homes were built between 1960 and 1990. Residents have access to leisure activities and programming at Cosmo Civic Centre.

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Massey Real Estate

Average Price $225K
Lowest Price $225K
Highest Price $225K
Total Listings 1
Avg. Days On Market 4
Avg. Price/SQFT $201

Property Types (active listings)

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Massey Place Neighbourhood

Located in north-west Saskatoon, Saskatchewan within the Confederation Suburban Development Area, Massey Place is a residential neighbourhood that is home to 3,433* residents.  Two parks and two schools service the residents of this community.


The neighbourhood is considered a low-to-middle income area, with an average family income of $53,403* and an average dwelling value of $252,941*.  Home ownership rate is 64.4%* in this area.

Neighbourhood Amenities

There is limited commercial development in Massey Place with businesses dotting 33rd Street W,

The nearest public library serving Massey Place is the Carlyle King branch of the Saskatoon Public Library, which is located at the Cosmo Civic Centre on Laurier Drive.


There are two schools in Massey Place.  Vincent Massey School is a public elementary school belonging to the Saskatoon Public School Division. 

Additionally, a separate Catholic elementary school named Bishop Klein School (part of the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division) is located in the Massey Place neighbourhood.

Parks and Recreation

Two city parks can be found throughout the Massey Place neighbourhood. A. McDonald Park - the largest of the two parks - is located adjacent to the schools with entrance points from both 33rd Street West and Massey Drive.  The smaller park, Marlborough Park, is located just off Marlborough Place. 

Saskatoon at dusk by the river

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